Oregon Establishes State Government AI Advisory Council Privacy Compliance & Data Security

Frontier AI Regulation: Safeguards Amid Rapid Progress

Secure and Compliant AI for Governments

In high-risk application areas of AI, such as government and critical industry use of AI, compliance can be mandatory and enforced by the appropriate regulatory bodies. In low-risk application areas of AI, compliance can be optional in order to not stifle innovation in this rapidly changing field. Although the adoption of AI by federal government is growing—a February 2020 report found that nearly half of the 142 federal agencies studied had “experimented with AI and related machine learning tools”—many of the AI tools procured by government agencies have proven to be deeply flawed.

Secure and Compliant AI for Governments

Traditional integrity attacks will enable adversaries to make the changes to a dataset or model needed to execute a poisoning attack. As a result, traditional cybersecurity policies and defense can be applied to protect against some AI attacks. While AI attacks can certainly be crafted without accompanying cyberattacks, strong traditional cyber defenses will increase the difficulty of crafting certain attacks. Mattermost provides secure, workflow-centric collaboration for technical and operational teams that need to meet nation-state-level security and trust requirements.

Processing large amounts of data

We can tailor our technology to suit your needs – simply book a call with us to explore the various options available for simplifying content creation. “Governments should also mandate that companies are legally liable for harms from their frontier AI systems that can be reasonably foreseen and prevented,” according to the paper written by three Turing Award winners, a Nobel laureate, and more than a dozen top AI academics. Fox Rothschild LLP is a national law firm of 1000 attorneys in offices throughout the United States.

Secure and Compliant AI for Governments

First, it begins by giving an accessible yet comprehensive description of how current AI systems can be attacked, the forms of these attacks, and a taxonomy for categorizing them. Government to identify, assess, test and implement technologies against the problems of foreign propaganda and disinformation, in cooperation with foreign partners, private industry and academia. Conversational AI is a type of artificial intelligence intended to facilitate smooth voice or text communication between people and computers. On a practical level, conversational AI can comprehend context, as well as intent, allowing for more natural back-and-forth conversations between humans and machines.

DHS releases commercial generative AI guidance and is experimenting with building its own models

The average age of senators is the highest it has ever been, and in many public Congressional hearings on technology, some of the most ridiculous questions you can imagine have been asked. There is legitimate concern that many of the most powerful people in government do not fundamentally understand how AI and the Internet work, which creates doubt that they are up to the task of actually regulating it. Fourth, the rules, risk levels, and levels of protection measures should be defined in consultation with a great many relevantly-experienced experts. The simplest way to regulate AI would to prohibit everything, but it looks like this approach isn’t on the table yet. Therefore, all reasonable regulation attempts should follow the principle of “the greater the risk, the stricter the requirements”.

Secure and Compliant AI for Governments

In the public sector, compliance should be mandated for governmental uses of AI and be a pre-condition for private firms selling AI systems to the government. In the private sector, compliance should be mandated for high-risk private sector AI applications, but should be optional for lower-risk uses in order to avoid disrupting innovation in this rapidly changing field. Fourth, the report proposes the idea of “AI Security Compliance” programs to protect against https://www.metadialog.com/governments/ AI attacks. These compliance programs will reduce the risk of attacks on AI systems and lower the impact of successful attacks. They will accomplish this by encouraging stakeholders to adopt a set of best practices in securing systems against AI attacks, including considering attack risks and surfaces when deploying AI systems, adopting IT-reforms that will make attacks more difficult to execute, and creating attack response plans to mitigate attack damage.

Microsoft reports it encrypts all Azure traffic using the IEEE 802.1AE – or MACsec – network security standard, and that all traffic stays within its global backbone of more than 250,000km of fiber optic and undersea cable systems. If you’d like to discuss this topic or anything else related to AI solutions for local government, please contact us today – or drop a comment below. Due to ChatGPT’s popularity, the public has quickly moved from being mostly unaware of AI risks to being keenly aware of this two-sided truth. AI systems can be perceived as opaque, complex, and potentially threatening by the general public, especially if they are not properly explained or communicated.

Why is Executive Order 11111 important?

Executive Order 11111 was also used to ensure that the Alabama National Guard made sure that black students across the state were able to enroll at previously all-white schools.

Governments at all levels are using AI and Automated decision-making systems to expand or replace law enforcement functions, assist in public benefit decisions, and intake public complaints and comments. Using email and spreadsheets for audit processes presents challenges such as version control issues, limited collaboration, data security concerns, the lack of audit trail, potential data entry errors, resource intensiveness, and overall inefficiency. The Seattle-based company will announce on Tuesday that it has enabled access to open source AI model Llama-2 via the Azure Machine Learning catalog in Azure Government. The company recognizes that “some mission requirements benefit from smaller generative AI models” in addition to its own OpenAI models. The new Azure OpenAI Service in Azure Government will enable the latest generative AI capabilities, including GPT-3.5 Turbo and GPT-4 models, for customers requiring higher levels of compliance and isolation.

EPIC Comments: National Institute of Standards and Technology AI Risk Management Framework

Hardening these “soft” targets will be an integral component of defending against AI attacks. This is because the two prominent forms of AI attacks discussed here, input and poisoning attacks, are easier to execute if the attacker has access to some component of the AI system and training pipeline. This has transformed a wide range of assets that span the AI training and implementation pipelines into targets for would-be attackers. Specifically, these assets include the datasets used to train the models, the algorithms themselves, system and model details such as which tools are used and the structure of the models, storage and compute resources holding these assets, and the deployed AI systems themselves. Beyond the threats posed by sharing datasets, the military may also seek to re-use and share models and the tools used to create them.

Secure and Compliant AI for Governments

What are the issues with governance in AI?

Some of the key challenges regulators and companies will have to contend with include addressing ethical concerns (bias and discrimination), limiting misuse, managing data privacy and copyright protection, and ensuring the transparency and explainability of complex algorithms.

How AI can be used in government?

The federal government is leveraging AI to better serve the public across a wide array of use cases, including in healthcare, transportation, the environment, and benefits delivery. The federal government is also establishing strong guardrails to ensure its use of AI keeps people safe and doesn't violate their rights.

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