Surveys are also generally used to compile data on merchanting, goods procured in ports by carriers and non-monetary gold. B.o.p. and i.i.p. data are published on the NCB’s website under the statistical section dedicated to external statistics. A detailed presentation of the methodology and data sources is published on the Banca d’Italia’s website on the “analysis and methodology” web page. Euro area b.o.p. and i.i.p. data calculated according to BPM6 methodology have been available on the ECB’s website since 1999. Data from 2008 onwards are based on the addition of euro area contributions already calculated using BPM6 methodology, while earlier data are based both on estimates made directly by the ECB and on adjusted BPM5 data.
Adam received his master’s in economics from The New School for Social Research and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in sociology. He is a CFA charterholder as well as holding FINRA Series 7, 55 & 63 licenses. He currently researches and teaches economic sociology and the social studies of finance at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Is there a difference between book value and market value?
For other institutional sectors, the main source is information coming from the b.o.p. collecting system (Comunicação de operações e posições com o exterior, COPE), which has information on stocks and transactions. There are separate reporting forms for various items such as deposits and loans. Deposits and loans are reported separately by the data suppliers, for MFIs even in separate reporting forms. For MFIs, accrued interest is not included with the instrument as it is used the same information as for BSI data (balance sheets).
Accrued interest is not shown with the instrument and is calculated separately on the basis of an estimation model. Transactions in pension entitlements are calculated on the basis of data obtained from the NSI. A standardised guaranteed scheme has not yet been calculated and implemented. The cut-off sampling method is used for the annual surveys, covering the largest institutional units with an FDI connection. Currently, preparations are under way of a system for households based on BIS banking statistics, as well as partners data for household’s deposit abroad.
- This information is enriched with direct reporting from banks (settlements data) and other entities (wealth managers).
- Book value does not need to be calculated for more stable assets that aren’t subject to depreciation, such as cash and land.
- Data on trade credits are collected on a quarterly basis in a separate survey that addresses approximately 611 companies.
Merchanting is calculated using quarterly data obtained within the NSI’s survey on services and other international transactions. Merchanting data are collected through specialised monthly/quarterly surveys; selections are based on the activity code and ITGS declarations; estimations for non-response are the same as for the services surveys. Estimated imports of second-hand motor vehicles from the EU by households not covered by the Intrastat system, using Ministry of Finance data sources on a quarterly basis with a monthly breakdown. buying series i bonds for your portfolio Fuel purchases abroad by Slovenian carriers (from 2008 onwards) (monthly BST reports) and estimates of non-resident carriers’ fuel purchases in Slovenia (quarterly data on card payments). The geographical breakdown should be compiled on the basis of the country of residence of the parent enterprise controlling the company that manages the customs procedure related to these goods in the reporting economy. B.o.p. and i.i.p. data are also published in the NCB’s Monthly Bulletin, as well as on the central bank’s website.
1.1 Definition of the Eurosystem’s reserve assets
Financial derivatives and employee stock options do not give rise to investment income. Furthermore, information on expenditures of foreign embassies located in Germany originates from the NCB’s monthly direct reporting system. Estimates that differentiate material costs (included in services) from personnel costs (included in primary income) are also part of this position. For international organisations (e.g. ECB and ESA), an analogue estimation is established based on their annual reports.
On the basis of the respective security identifiers (usually the ISIN), this information is combined with the individual securities data stored in the CSDB to compile portfolio investment assets. The Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia is the source of aggregate data on real estate assets in Slovenia owned by non-residents (quarterly reporting on monthly transactions since 2008). For listed equity, prices are collected from the Portuguese Stock Exchange (for inward investment) and from commercial data providers (for outward investment).
Book Value vs. Market Value: What’s the Difference?
From an economic point of view, the withdrawal of such income is equivalent to the distribution of corporate income through dividends and is treated the same way. Withdrawals of funds realised by the sale or disposal of a quasi-corporation’s assets are excluded; these (so-called super-dividends) should be recorded as a reduction in the equity of quasi-corporations in the financial account. For credits, private consumption data for military bases in Germany are estimated (per country) using average per capita income, a consumption rate and the number of soldiers stationed in Germany. Additionally, information from the NCB’s monthly direct reporting system is used for this position. Insurance and pension services are included in the quarterly report on corporate financial (commercial) activities with non-residents (F-06), as collected by the NSI. Freight transportation costs are added to transportation services imports, while freight insurance expenses (which are deducted) are included with insurance services imports.
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VAT data (one-stop shop) are an additional source for estimating services purchased by the household sector. Pensions and insurance data are collected in the monthly survey on other investments. Estimates of investment funds’ fees (part of SG1) are based on reported positions and public information on fees. Data are collected through separate surveys for the financial sector and the non-financial sector. Data for financial services are derived from ITSS and the quarterly profit/loss statement.
In this case, market value refers to the asset’s value in a marketplace. Liabilities (including debt) and intangible assets are removed from total assets to arrive at it. The value of an asset on a balance sheet is reported as book value (or carrying value), which is adjusted for depreciation.
The first revision of external statistics for all quarters of the accounting year is conducted by compiling fourth-quarter data, which takes place in March of the subsequent year. When revising quarterly data, monthly b.o.p. data are revised accordingly. Monthly data are provisional when first released and are indicated as such. The data (monthly, quarterly and annual) are revised whenever new statistical information, either from special annual questionnaires or from other sources, becomes available.
Additional information on the implementation of BPM6 is available in the note. Euro area b.o.p. and i.i.p. data are primarily published in the ECB’s press releases and other ECB publications, including the Economic Bulletin and Statistics Bulletin. More detailed and longer time series are available in the “statistics” section of the ECB’s website and in the ECB Data Portal (replacing the Statistical Data Warehouse as of June 2023). The release calendar of monthly data aligns with the ECB’s release calendar whereas the release calendar of quarterly b.o.p and i.i.p. statistics is in accordance with the SDDS release calendar under the IMF. The Austrian b.o.p. is compiled on a monthly basis within six weeks from the end of the reporting period. External debt data are published by the Central Bank of Malta with a time lag of nearly three months.
Airplane ticket estimates from travel surveys are also used (quarterly survey among Polish households). The questionnaire includes a specific section for construction services. For passenger transport, data are derived from the “sample survey on international tourism”. The services items are compiled mainly from the NSI’s ITSS survey and supplemented by monthly data from the ITRS.